Friday, 15 August 2008

Mystery In Stone

"MYSTERY IN STONE” an exhibition of premier Zimbabwean stone sculptures will be held at The Terrace, Grantham Street, Lincoln, from 27 October 2008 through 21 November 2008.
This highly expressive contemporary stone art of African artists from Zimbabwe, many from the Shona Tribe, speaks their deep concern, feelings and experiences of the environment around their cultural beliefs.

Zimbabwean stone sculpture is a profound, deeply human expression of the African people that transcends time and space. Sculptors say their ancestors' spirits come in dreams and visions to reveal themselves in images that dwell within the stone. These "voices in stone" can almost be heard through the awe-inspiring sculptures, which tell tales of life in traditional and contemporary works of art. In this way, sculptors release life within the stone and their spirits soar within the collective reality of the African people.

The sculptures are organized around eight themes that represent shared human relationships, emotions and experiences. They represent: The Family, Custom and Legend, Social Comment, The Role of the Elders, The Spirit World, The Role of Women, Village Life, and Nature and Environment:

The exhibition will be open between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday between 28th October and 21st November and additionally between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 15th November. Admission is free.

For information about Mystery In Stone visit